Wingide-users For Mac

2020. 3. 22. 20:40카테고리 없음

  1. Wing Ide-users For Mac Os X

Why The Best Python Ide. Vim is a command line editor and hence can be used for remote development. Replacing all string occurrences in 100MB+ files is quick and easy. vim is keyboard based so it is easier to understand. Vimscript provides a rich scripting functionality to build upon the core of vim Not to mention You should learn the basic 20 Vi commands.

Before using Vim with a hyper-big library of supported plugins, in like manner VIM becomes one of the deadliest weapons in hands of the skilled developer. You can surely use any Python IDE of your preference, but a best Python will facilitate our work a lot because the suggested configuration will help you avoid mistakes and save time on typing, running, and debugging your code. These IDEs also assist you writing better Code. The end note: If you need a full-fledged and cross-platform Python IDE, then you should stick to PyCharm, WingIDE, or PyDev. Furthermore both PyCharm and WingIDE have commercial licenses and have personal and or student licenses, as an option, of course you can get free licenses for your classroom or in case you’re an open source developer. PyDev(Eclipse) is free.

wingide-users Mac OS scroll-zoom disable? wingide-users Mac OS scroll-zoom disable?

Wingware Support Tue Apr 22 14:27:23 EDT 2014. Previous message:.

Next message:. Messages sorted by: David Cortesi wrote: Macpro, Mac OS X 10.9.2, Wing Personal 5.0.5-1. There is a Mac feature that sends zoom+/- signals when the user does two-finger scroll up/down on the keypad and the command key is down.

Wing Ide-users For Mac Os X


For some reason I have a lazy left thumb that tends to linger on the command key after, e.g., cmd-g (find next), and then I scroll, and blam-o! The edit window zooms insanely fast to a tiny or large font size. And then it is difficult to scroll-zoom back to the preferred size, because the zoom action is so very sensitive to the tiniest finger motion.

I have to use cmd-plus/minus to recover. I looked through the Wing prefs and don't see anything about this, and also looked through System Prefs/Trackpad. So, is there some way to disable scroll-zoom of the edit font size, or at the least, to make it less sensitive?

The Editor Enable Mouse Wheel Font Size Zooming preference should disable this. Please let me know if that doesn't help.

Thanks, - Stephan Deibel Wingware Python IDE The Intelligent Development Environment for Python Programmers Previous message:. Next message:. Messages sorted.